Compliance Check Resources
Language Assistance Self- Assessment And Planning Tool- This self assessment contains a series of questions that can be used to plan what services your organization should provide.
LEP Resources- This site provides information about LEP compliance, including a page with links to resources that can help in developing, updating, or assessing your organizations plan for LEP services.
U.S. Department of Justice Compliance Guide- In August 2011 the Department of Justice released "Common Language Access Questions, Technical Assistance, and Guidance for Federally Conducted and Federally Assisted Programs". This document explains the obligations and responsibilities federally-funded agencies have to serve limited English population.
U.S Department of Justice LEP Factsheet- The Department of Justice has put together a handy, one-page resources that highlights the legal authority and obligations of LEP access and compliance for federal and federal federally funereally assisted programs.
LEP Resources- This site provides information about LEP compliance, including a page with links to resources that can help in developing, updating, or assessing your organizations plan for LEP services.
U.S. Department of Justice Compliance Guide- In August 2011 the Department of Justice released "Common Language Access Questions, Technical Assistance, and Guidance for Federally Conducted and Federally Assisted Programs". This document explains the obligations and responsibilities federally-funded agencies have to serve limited English population.
U.S Department of Justice LEP Factsheet- The Department of Justice has put together a handy, one-page resources that highlights the legal authority and obligations of LEP access and compliance for federal and federal federally funereally assisted programs.
Tools for Providing Language Access
"I Speak" Language Identification Cards in 38 languages:The Department of Justice has created a tool for determining what language a LEP person speaks; resources includes 38 languages.
LILAC Public Charge Workshop - Video
December, 2018
December, 2018